Who is speaking? can also be asked of Sevda Semer, even though it is she herself who is talking about her own diary and also about whether anyone should ever read it. Are there things in the diary that should not be revealed even to posterity? And who is speaking in the video, the private self or the public self? Is the artist not performing her self, standing outside herself here?
-Ludwig Seyfarth
How do I, 2021
video, 7:49 min
Video still. The video can be watched HERE
For the online video platform blinkvideo.de, curator Ludwig Seyfarth invited 4 artists from Germany and 4 from Bulgaria and showed their work in pairs. The exhibition Moving Images / Moving Bodies deals with the special connection between video and performance.
Intrigued by the fact that I’m a writer as well as an artist, for my video he invited me to talk about my writing. And I decided to talk about a type of writing that by definition remains hidden…
Moving Images / Moving Bodies
Online screening programme with works of artists shown in pairs:
Evamaria Schaller and Kamen Stoyanov
Stella Geppert and Boryana Petkova
Teboho Edkins and Nadezhda Oleg Lyahova
Kirstin Burckhardt and Sevda Semer